Воспалился как-то лицевой нерв

Боль начиналась с корен­ных зубов нижней челюсти, переходила на верхнюю, к уху, к глазу и дальше вверх. Выпи­ла весь анальгин и Пенталгин, что были в аптечке, но безре­зультатно. И тут на глаза попа­лась настойка эхинацеи. Как только начинался приступ боли, наливала чайную ложку настойки и половину вылива­ла на нижнюю челюсть, а вто­рой половиной растирала щеку по ходу нерва вверх. Делала так 3-4 раза в день. За три дня, слава Богу, все прошло.

One Reply to “Воспалился как-то лицевой нерв”

  1. Rituximab (a humanized anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody) is a
    helpful remedy for Epstein-Barr virus-associated put up transplant lymphoproliferative disease (EBV-PTLD).
    Nonetheless, hypogammaglobulinemia is a complication associated with this remedy.1,2 Little is thought about the duration and severity
    of rituximab-induced low serum immunoglobulin (Ig) standing.

    EBV-PTLD. One of three patients reported by Verschuuren et al1 died
    of invasive aspergillosis as a consequence
    of hypogammaglobulinemia after 7 months of rituximab therapy.
    Tax calculation might be finalised throughout checkout.

    Get time restricted or full article access on ReadCube. All costs
    are Internet costs. Verschuuren EA, Stevens SJ, van Imhoff GW et al.
    Therapy of posttransplant lymphoproliferative illness with rituximab: the remission, the relapse, and the complication.
    Quartier P, Brethon B, Philippet P et al. Therapy of childhood
    autoimmune haemolytic anaemia with rituximab. Castagnola E, Dallorso S, Faraci M et al.
    Long-lasting hypogammaglobulinemia following rituximab
    administration for Epstein-Barr virus-related put up-transplant
    lymphoproliferative disease preemptive therapy. Imashuku S, Naya M,
    Tamura S et al. Effectiveness of rituximab for chemotherapy-resistant multiple tumoral B-LPD in a haematopoietic stem cell recipient.
    Faye A, Quartier P, Reguerre Y et al. Chimaeric anti-CD20
    monoclonal antibody (rituximab) in publish-transplant B-lymphoproliferative disorder following
    stem cell transplantation in children. Esser JWJ, Niesters HGM, van der Holt B et al.
    Prevention of Epstein-Barr virus-lymphoproliferative disease by molecular monitoring and preemptive rituximab in excessive-risk patients after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Kuehnle I, Huls MH,
    Liu Z et al. CD20 monoclonal antibody (rituximab) for therapy of Epstein-Barr virus lymphoma after hemopoietic stem cell transplantation. Imashuku,
    S., Teramura, T., Morimoto, A. et al. Prolonged hypogammaglobulinemia
    following rituximab therapy for submit transplant Epstein-Barr virus-associated lymphoproliferative illness.

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